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by Dr. Brittany Pierce


Categories: Featured, News

by Dr. Brittany Pierce


What Is Equine-Assisted Therapy?

A large part of recovery is learning how to connect with one’s emotional experiences and communicate them in a meaningful way to others. Quite the daunting task and oftentimes a stuck point for individuals, especially in early recovery. While traditional talk therapy can be extremely effective in working toward these goals, some individuals require a different approach. This may be the individual who has been through traditional talk therapy models in the past with limited success, those who appear to be at a stuck point, or those who struggle to process emotion at a basic level given their past experiences. Equine assisted therapy provides an alternative approach and has proven to be effective in treating a range of difficulties such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), mood disorders, anxiety, trauma, grief and loss, and addiction. Specifically, equine assisted therapy has been noted to improve emotional awareness, social skills, impulse control, self-confidence, trust and empathy, and problem-solving skills.

So how does this work? Equine-assisted therapy incorporates horses into the therapeutic process. Horses are extremely sensitive animals and have a unique ability to pick up on human emotion and needs and mirror human mood in a nonjudgmental way, without motive or expectations. Horses can oftentimes “show us” what we need to learn about ourselves and help us “see” the things we need to express. In treatment, individuals can get outdoors and work with the horses while learning and processing through emotional challenges. As an individual spends time and bonds with the horses, self-awareness increases, and emotional healing often occurs.

At NorthSight Recovery we understand the importance of offering a variety of evidence-based treatment models and experiential models to increase healing and lifelong recovery. We have personally witnessed incredible results that have come from utilizing equine assisted therapy and want to ensure our clients have the opportunity to experience the magic. NorthSight Recovery has had the privilege of partnering with the highly experienced therapists at Rancho Del Pacifico to offer these services to our clients and provide a unique experience that can aid in achieving long-term recovery.


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